Conajohary June 16th 1774
I Recvd your Letter and the peace of Linin Which you Sent up by Mr Wells Boat - - - but Cancerning the Dementions of your mill house I think Sixty feet Long and thirty Wide is quite too Long [the word "and" was included here, but crossed out] to be Convenient - but I have Drawn a Bill of Scantlin - and a kind of a Draft for one End of the Mill house Which i think Will answer if it Suits you and Room plenty for three pairs of Stones but if you had Rather have the other plan pleas to Let me know it by the first opertunity and I Will Send you a Bill of Scantlin for it immediately but I Cant find Room in it for three pair of Stones any Ways Convenient in this plan Which i now Send you i Woud Chuze between the Wheels the Wall to be Continued to the Beam above the Water Wheels and no farther and the up Stream End of the Water house I Should not Want my Wall but only on the back Side and Lower End
from your Most Humbel Sert
Ebenezer Cox