
Since the publication of "THE BLOODIED MOHAWK" in June of 2000, Ken D. Johnson,the author has continued to conduct research into the lives of the inhabitants of the Mohawk Valley.This continuing search has resulted in the discovery of hundreds of new documents. Data included inthis new collection include court and probate records, land mortgages and deeds, maps, militarycorrespondence, personal journals, Revolutionary War Pension Applications, etc. The databasegenerated is far too large for publication on the Internet. Thus, Mister Johnson has decided to makethese documents available to those interested through direct contact either by E-Mail or through the USPostal Service upon request. A small fee may apply to some documents.

References to Mister Johnson's work can be found in the writings of Henry Z., Jones, David K. Martin, Gavin K. Watt, and Maryly Penrose.

Mister Johnson has found that researching the Colonial Mohawk Valley has been greatly effected bythe ravages of the Revolutionary War, fires, floods, negligence, and other unforeseeable dilemmas.These factors have severely effected the availability of pre-1830 primary source records. Alsopresenting problems are the facts that prior to 1810, there was no mandatory registration of land deeds,wills, mortgages, etc. Even after registration was mandated in 1810, many persons chose to ignore thelaw as it existed. Thus, many important genealogical and historical records are located in private,public, and school libraries, archives, private collections, etc. All of these repositories hold thepotential to solve many genealogical and historical mysteries of the Mohawk Valley, and thereforshould be searched. Thus, if you should, in the course of your research, happen upon any land or MilitaryRecord not included in the Bibliography posted upon this site, Mister Johnson would greatly appreciatehearing from you. It is his goal to include in one searchable database as much of the Colonial History ofthe Mohawk Valley as can possibly be collected in one repository. This database will upon MisterJohnson's eventual demise, be donated to "The David Library of the American Revolution" inWashingtons Crossing, Pennsylvania.

Mister Johnson can be contacted at:
Ken D. Johnson
Encamped Near Fort Plank
97 Reid Street
Fort Plain, New York 13339

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Updated 06 Feb 2005